// Hello World!
My name is Randy Lam and I am a health care professional turned programmer. I have worked within the pharmacy industry for the last 6+ years. Over the years, I have come to the realization that I have a strong drive to learn and problem solve and the pharmacy industry is not the ideal environment for my needs. Once I learned about programming, I knew this is the industry for me.
// Hobbies
I am a massive foodie. In my free time, my favorite thing to do is to discover new places to eat around the area. Actually I'm not even limited to the area! I have traveled to Japan and Korea with trying local dishes as the primary objective.
// Interests
I love technology! Besides web development, I really want to learn more about software development and working on automation. I want to get to the point where I can really learn and work with AI.
Organizational Web App
Recipe Sharing Web App
Full MERN Stack Web App
Web Scraping App
Food Selling & Buying App